Monday, May 28, 2012

Ain't this a bitch!!!

Well,well,well....I have reached my point. Which point? My breaking point!!! I am the nicest most caring, helpful person until you cross me. I am all about giving people chances,but this person has officially used them all up. I can always admit my mistakes but I refuse to take responsibility for this cluster fuck. Especially when I didn't create this whole ugly scenario. I get it. They must be one of "those people",you know "those people." The one's who get mad first when they mess up. The one's who never actually answer your questions. The one's who wait for you to get mad and end things instead of being real with you. I loath "those people". They usually don't address any real problem in their life. Just ignore it or double talk it to death! Well enough is enough. Your wish is granted. I drew a line in the sand you crossed it then danced on it. So this chick.  *waves hands* Yeah me! Has reached her "I don't give two flying fucks point"! Congratulations.
I swear people. Immature,mature I don't do labels...I wanted to throw my phone. Really. I kinda wanna take my suv and monster truck drive it over your car! You don't have to be in it,if your where that would be a bonus!  Sorry. Writing is my therapy people and this is just a peak into all the craziness that is my life. Blaaaah

Love it, Live it, Rock it

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