Monday, May 14, 2012

I Rock the shit out of Motherhood!

Okay, okay I have been a little doom and gloom lately but "ces't la vie", that's life. Anywho. I wanna talk about something I love....I love being a mom! If you would have asked me about kids like 12 years ago I would have told you "Hell No! I don't want any." Now, well I'm good! I love the fact that you have this little person of your very one to teach,love and screw up with your own personal brand of crazy. I never saw myself as a mom and never ever a stay-at-home mom. The thought of kid shows and play dates made me wanna cry but I realized there is no right or wrong way to do this. So I rocked it Danni style! I rocked the shit out of motherhood! And as time went on I got more comfortable and sure of myself. I've pushed strollers in platform blue leopard print shoes. Had facial piercings ripped out by little hands. Chased a child down in 6 inch heels. Bumped my music while little ones watched Shrek in the backseat with head phones on. I've pulled cheetos out of my cleavage while on the way to a party. I even got a tattoo with a permanent marker to match my real a 3 year old! I loved every minute of it!! I grew up with a very unquie father who exposed me to all kinds of things. Music,religion, cultures, foods and I am raising my kids the same way,to find beauty were others say there is none. To not except everything that is presented to them,to find their own truth. To not just live life but to experience it. To love, to lose, to laugh, to cry, to express themselves! I feel like if I can raise a free thinker I have done this world, this universe a great service. Kids Rock and Rock with them!

Love it, Live it, Rock it

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