Saturday, July 14, 2012

I've had more downs than ups....

But I'm soooooo G double O,D GOOD!!! No really, I am. Look people it is what it is. I can only do so much. I can only be me! Some people like it,some people don't. And to those people I say; "Keep it moving to the left". I have no time for wishy washy people or sometime friends. If I'm your friend, I will always be there for you. But if you can't reciprocate that,are we truly friends?! I had someone tell me; You're either with me or against me. Wait,what?! Look. If you say shit like that, you too should back up your own saying. I have been going through some really hard times and found out that not everyones definition of "friend" is the same. Am I mad? No. Does it hurt? Sure. Can I change it? Nope. So with that said ...I put on my big girl pants and keep it moving.
Adieu bon ami

Love it, Live it, Rock it

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