Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tell me lies,tell me sweet little lies.

We all do it. Lie. Small lies. Big ass lies. No matter the size,a lie is a lie. But here's the interesting thing about being a human. We can choose to except a lie or overlook it. Recently I have chosen,of my own free will,to except a couple of lies. Now I know how that may sound,but if I chose to live a lie doesn't that actually become my truth. NO! It doesn't!  Some of y'all were like, "hey! She's on to something! ". Sadly for some people a lie does become their truth. And that lie of a truth will one day be exposed as an actual lie. A false statement on which you have built a world on. I have said all of that to say this: I chose to except a lie because it was they only way my heart could processes the reality of hurt. Will I still have to processes it, yes eventually. My lie was telling myself that this betrayal wasn't as bad as I thought. When in fact it was worse. My truth,well my truth is that love is not a word I say just to say it. My truth is that I still love you.  My truth is that I am not an option. My truth is that my desire for you can not be snuffed out. My truth however was built on your lie. And that lie just crumbled. Sorry if it was a bit much folks but sometimes you have to write it out. We get deep in the 'burbs!! Everybody goes through a time in their life when they wish they could go back and do a quick rewrite,a do over. This is my mental do over.

Love it, Live it, Rock it

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