Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I know you see me!

Soooo..... guess what! I have a stalker. No I'm not worried at all. I think it's kinda cute. The how and why,well let's just say my awesomely bad romance left some unwanted debris. I am somewhat baffled by it! Why worry about me? Why  constantly stay on my Twitter and Instagram if you hate me? I dunno either people. The crazy part is that they let me know they are looking at it! I'm sure they would check out my FB but it's super private. I keep that off limits because of family and real personal stuff,sorry. Maybe they secretly want to be me. Maybe my life is so interesting that instead of just observing they actually wanna be a part of it. Whatever the reason I welcome them! Look I dedicated a whole blog to y'all. Hope you liked it.*blows kiss and waves *

Love it, Live it, Rock it

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