Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Divorced from the MoB

Well, on a very personal note I am getting a D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Blah! Whatever. Right now I'm getting the legal separation paperwork together. But this in No Way effects my "suburban" status . I have always been a suburban girl and the divorcee is the new suburban life...right?! Last weekend I got a feel of the"single" life and I must say I'm not much looking forward to it. Guys seem extra forward and fresh! I had a man try to kiss me in the bar! In my mouth!  Hold up, hold up, Whoa dere!!! Very inappropriate. I went to the bar with my best friend because I am in now way a "Bar Girl". I don't even drink. But I guess I have to get back out there which is super scary. The thought of sharing all my personal business with a new person is uber weird. So for now I will pour all my time and energy into launching BGSMoB t-shirts in March. I guess you guys can look foward to my dating stories!!!! Oh my,my. Above is a picture I took at my friends house. It's official when you take bathroom pictures with your phone! I'm MoBBin Solo....

Monday, November 7, 2011

Mobbin baby, Mobbin baby, Mobbin !

Soo.. I had a freaking BLAST this past weekend. I went to a book release party for the author Ron Baxter. I had a great time seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I must say that me and my sister where looking extra fly. But my sister was doing it up on the dance floor ALL NIGHT LONG !!! The atmosphere was great and band and DJ where off the meter. There was a very interesting mix of people there. You had your earthy all natural sistahs and brothas with natural hair and beautiful dreadlocks. You had your Label babies with short dresses super high sparkly heels and guys in Polo and Ralph Lauren. And then there was me.....I guess I'm somewhere in the middle .  I think natural hair is awesome just not my cup of tea. I rock the long jet black hair . I ain't knocking the short tight dresses, I'm more of a tight jean ,cleavage gal. Everyone looked amazing, and everyone was super friendly. It really solidified  the fact that there is great diversity in my culture.  I would love to see us (black folk) get along and party like that all the time without anyone giving someone the side eye. My sister(pictured with Chris the Poet) and I rocked it for the Suburban Girls as always. Well, I'm off . Mobbin  some separation paperwork today. No, no don't be sad. It's all good. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's my MoB and I"ll MoB how I want to !

So its been a minute, again.. I'm must be the worst blogger ever! Anywho let me feel you in on my recent mobbin. I have had a few people ask/tell me I'm not black enough. What!!!! Hold up,hold up whoa dere! I'm not what enough ? I am who I am. Like I've said before I didn't know you can "act" a color. I'm just me. I was raised a certain way but beside that I choose to open myself up to different things. That makes me not black. I choose to not follow what everyone else deems cool. I don't plan my day around BET programing..what is it?! Sure, I live in the burds and I recycle and compost but I also drive a huge gas drinking SUV. My kids go to public school , I always buy organic and never leave the house without makeup. I have two 12's in my trunk and an amp under the 2nd row seat. What am I ? I mob the only way I know how. I follow me. Its cool though. Some of y'all just ain't ready. I ask a black mom today at the park if she would rock a BGSM t-shirt and she said "hell yeah, I'm not like these other moms out here!" so there you have it. I'm going to continue to MoB the way I wanna Mob!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mobbin S-L-O-W

Okay, so I'm back! Sorry it took so long had some issues out here in Suburgatory. 1. I had my 5 year old at home with me for an entire week! It was so crazy. 2. My dsl was not working properly and I keep getting kicked off line. 3. I was in a funk. Just down and out not feeling anything, funk. But now I'm back! I've been working hard on getting my t-shirt line completed so you guys can see my amazing ideas and whatnot. I'm not gonna lie my work ethic has not been on point lately. I have so much personal stuff going on that I am somewhat distracted.  My mobbin has slowed way down..not to a screeching halt but a brisk walk. I'm gonna be uploading pictures very soon , just fun stuff arounf my cul-de-sac. And of course I will get into the juicy stuff that makes up my life like duhhhh this a blog! Mobbin slow, but mobbin forward !

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mobbin Ain't Easy

I make it look easy but for real, Suburban Mobbin ain't easy. It takes a special kinda gal to live it up in the 'burbs and still be yourself. Sure I have the manicured lawn and a 2 car garage, but I do it my way. Once you step inside its a whole different ball game. I love all things in what is considered the "alternative" lifestyles. You know indy art shows, spoken word,tattoos,graffiti, unsigned singers,rappers and bands , I love all things non-mainstream. Now don't get me wrong I like mainstream stuff too , but at heart I'm an Indy Girl all day. If I could I would live in an older home in one of those new trendy neighborhoods close to the coffee shops and art studios but... I have children and once you have kids the school zones dictate where you live ! So here I am in the suburbs, baking for PTA bake sales, weekend sleeps overs and still trying to fit in a poetry slam. I know some people give me the side eye because I don't fit the typical black woman molds: bougee, ghetto, all natural, religious buff, uber corporate,or super suburban mom. I'm me, maybe a weird mutant version of them all but still just me. So, I'm off. Got some shopping to do! Loading up the SUV and cranking some Hendrix. Whatch out I'm mobbin hard.