Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Divorced from the MoB

Well, on a very personal note I am getting a D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Blah! Whatever. Right now I'm getting the legal separation paperwork together. But this in No Way effects my "suburban" status . I have always been a suburban girl and the divorcee is the new suburban life...right?! Last weekend I got a feel of the"single" life and I must say I'm not much looking forward to it. Guys seem extra forward and fresh! I had a man try to kiss me in the bar! In my mouth!  Hold up, hold up, Whoa dere!!! Very inappropriate. I went to the bar with my best friend because I am in now way a "Bar Girl". I don't even drink. But I guess I have to get back out there which is super scary. The thought of sharing all my personal business with a new person is uber weird. So for now I will pour all my time and energy into launching BGSMoB t-shirts in March. I guess you guys can look foward to my dating stories!!!! Oh my,my. Above is a picture I took at my friends house. It's official when you take bathroom pictures with your phone! I'm MoBBin Solo....

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