Monday, November 7, 2011

Mobbin baby, Mobbin baby, Mobbin !

Soo.. I had a freaking BLAST this past weekend. I went to a book release party for the author Ron Baxter. I had a great time seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I must say that me and my sister where looking extra fly. But my sister was doing it up on the dance floor ALL NIGHT LONG !!! The atmosphere was great and band and DJ where off the meter. There was a very interesting mix of people there. You had your earthy all natural sistahs and brothas with natural hair and beautiful dreadlocks. You had your Label babies with short dresses super high sparkly heels and guys in Polo and Ralph Lauren. And then there was me.....I guess I'm somewhere in the middle .  I think natural hair is awesome just not my cup of tea. I rock the long jet black hair . I ain't knocking the short tight dresses, I'm more of a tight jean ,cleavage gal. Everyone looked amazing, and everyone was super friendly. It really solidified  the fact that there is great diversity in my culture.  I would love to see us (black folk) get along and party like that all the time without anyone giving someone the side eye. My sister(pictured with Chris the Poet) and I rocked it for the Suburban Girls as always. Well, I'm off . Mobbin  some separation paperwork today. No, no don't be sad. It's all good. 

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