Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's my MoB and I"ll MoB how I want to !

So its been a minute, again.. I'm must be the worst blogger ever! Anywho let me feel you in on my recent mobbin. I have had a few people ask/tell me I'm not black enough. What!!!! Hold up,hold up whoa dere! I'm not what enough ? I am who I am. Like I've said before I didn't know you can "act" a color. I'm just me. I was raised a certain way but beside that I choose to open myself up to different things. That makes me not black. I choose to not follow what everyone else deems cool. I don't plan my day around BET programing..what is it?! Sure, I live in the burds and I recycle and compost but I also drive a huge gas drinking SUV. My kids go to public school , I always buy organic and never leave the house without makeup. I have two 12's in my trunk and an amp under the 2nd row seat. What am I ? I mob the only way I know how. I follow me. Its cool though. Some of y'all just ain't ready. I ask a black mom today at the park if she would rock a BGSM t-shirt and she said "hell yeah, I'm not like these other moms out here!" so there you have it. I'm going to continue to MoB the way I wanna Mob!

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