Friday, February 10, 2012

MoBsters don't settle....Do They?!

I always tend to settle. Why? I dunno. It's just my personality. So after dating many white guys, I knew deep down in my heart that I wanted to be with a black man. The only problem...I had nothing in common with black guys. They all thought I was weird and liked weird music with screaming and what-not. I didn't know all the cool dances and I didn't use the latest slang. I was like the anti-black girl. But how?! I was still black!!!! So when I met a black guy that didn't complain that much about my music and clothes and art, I jumped on him ! Now here I am 7 years later about to get a divorce. Why you ask? Well, because I'm just not black enough for him and he can't except me for me. So, now I stand here 7 years older and a lot more confident in myself ! I ready to start again and find that man, Black Man, that understands me.  I will not and can not avoid the uber awesome kick ass chick I am ! So watch out world.this tattoo obsessed, Jimi Hendrix lovin girl is DONE settling! I gotta go.. It's time to MoB in the car pool line.

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