Monday, April 30, 2012

There are plenty of stars in the sky....that won't violate your vagina!

Okay,okay so my little awesomely bad romance had me a little jaded. I can admit that,but there are plenty of stars in the sky. So, I got out my telescope and started gazing. I must admit there are some bright ass stars out here now! Some,twinkle,some sparkle and I found out the very hard way;that every thing that glitters can sometimes violate your vagina! Now,I know some of y'all where probably like"whaat!" ,but listen it happens. What happens you ask? Bad,horrible,awkward rebound sex!! This dude literally violated my vagina. I am all about stroking dudes egos, but there is a line. Whoever has told him that his sex was amazing...LIED! And done every woman he comes in contact with a great disservice. Men,we are not a jar of spaghetti sauce that needs to be opened. Please don't pound on use like we are. Also don't ask us to do things and we aren't even comfortable with each other. I felt like Kevin Hart as I mumbled "pineapples" under my breathe. When all was said and done, I couldn't even look myself in the mirror. I had never had a rebound fling and I had never,ever,ever, ever, had such horrible sex! EVER! I'm hoping the rest of dating experiences are not like this. So the quest for my new Sta-rah continues...unfortunately

Love it,Live it,Rock it

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I moved! But I'm still in the burbs

I moved people! See,I told y'all I had a lot going on. So my thought was to re-do my blog because I wanted to add some tutorials and what not. But, I decided to just do the tutorials as regular post with lots of pictures. I have a ton of painting and decorating to do. I am super crafty so I will also have some diy craft stuff for your home. So stayed tuned. I am super excited about making my new house a kick ass home!

Love it,Live it,Rock it!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

It's not you,well actually it is

So part of the reason I hadn't been blogging was because I was under a spell. Yes,a spell,a love spell.See, I had this person in my life that was,is rather important. Let me back up. Have you ever had a person that was a part of your life, went away but they always stayed on your mind? Like always?! Well, thanks to the internet you can now hunt the person down start something then leave feeling cheated,disappointed and well just done! Okay so maybe just in my experience but never the less. I thought this,this is what love is,trust,hope,understanding! Yeeeaah not so much. It was like those cars on the drag races strip,0 to 60 in seconds then nothing. A screeching stop! It was a romance for the history books. But,this one little thing. So small,so insignificant that just gnarled at me. If he's awesome,wonderful,worldly,hot,loving,why is he well ....alone. Why does he not "do labels". Aahh! Oh how I wish I could go back in time and smack the shit out of my self! Listen,people are who they tell you they are! They know themselves better than anyone! I doubted my intelligence, beauty, self worth just everything. Until I realized it really was him! I wasn't the one broken or incapable of love. I wasn't the one afraid of the possibilities. I wasn't the one looking for exceptence from people that are and will always be "no-muthafucking factors"(not a fan of reality shows,but in this context I needed to use that quote)! Okay so that statement came out of pure angry. He didn't seek exceptance just admiration from those who I deemed unworthy and immature. Anywho..I wasn't the problem! So now I stand here, proud! And I can say without a doubt, It's You! My love for him will never change but I can't and won't continue to fight a loosing battle. Now,I am not a quitter, At All but I don't do runner up or honorable mention. I'm all in no holds bar! I can now stand here and and honestly say I have no ill will. I wish him nothing but blessing for I was the one who didn't listen. Ooohh what is next in my romantic life? I'm kinda scared to ask!

Love it,Live it,Rock it

Its been a long time!

I haven't been blogged in a hot minute. My plan was to revamp and redo my blog. I kept putting it off and putting it off until finally I said "fuck it!" Lets just keep the ball rolling I can change later. Anywho so much has happened in the 'burbs since we last chatted. I moved, acquired a stalker or 2,was violated(it's a funny story) had my heart slightly broken,had my heart mended, and I am still searching for a graphic artist. So I promise,cross my heart, to update regularly and have some tutorials on how to Rock It in the 'burbs and still be the awesome Black Chick that you are!

Love it,live it, rock it!